Gas Phase

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Corrosion and Odour control & Gas Purification

In Petrochemical , Pulp and Paper, WWTP, septic Tanks, Biogas, Geothermal, pharmaceutical and Food processing industries liberate various corrosion and odor gases like Hydrogen sulde, Mercaptans, VOCs, Ammonia, Amines, Siloxanes and NOx etc.

Major Areas of Operation in Air & Gas Treatment

Gas Purification

Ecogreen’s Activated Carbons provides appropriate materials for industrial gas manufacturers, whether they are purifying specialty gases to ultra-pure levels, addressing by removing Hydrogen Sulphide Gas.

Odor Removal

Odor management technology is essential in industrial and municipal settings where bad aromas can be hazardous to human health. Industrial facilities that generate scents created by sulfur compounds, ammonia, and amines are examples.

Mercury removal

The presence of mercury and its reactive byproducts in natural gas, petrochemical, and refinery nourish sources can cause serious deterioration of metallic components. Mercury is, of course, highly hazardous. Ecogreen has created a line of chemically impregnated high activity activated carbons that are exceptionally effective at removing mercury

VOC Removal

EcoGreen’s activated carbon offers a solution for reducing harmful emissions by effectively addressing increasingly stringent regulations. When introduced into the flue gas, it aids in the reduction of pollutants. In addition, our vapour phase activated carbon treatment method effectively eliminates contaminants from vapour streams in various settings such as industrial, municipal, and commercial applications. By passing the vapour stream through vessels equipped with activated carbon, volatile organic compounds are adsorbed, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment.

Find the Ideal Product for Your Needs:

Explore our extensive range of filters that are carefully designed to cater to a variety of requirements.