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Hospitals, Office, Private room, Laboratoroies, Airports and Residential buildings are all contaminants with a mix of gases that ranges from VOCs, CO, NOx and Formaldehyde. Ecogreen provides perfect balance between adsorption and transportation pores enabling the efficient adsorption of a range of pollutants present in air and gas streams with optimum capacity. It is suited to remove those contaminant gases associated with building ventilation systems. Our pelletized carbon can be utilized in environmental air treatment, gas-phase purification, air filtration, bio-gas filtration, odor control, and the eradication of perilous biological contaminants from natural gas. Activated carbon is the most efficient and safest method for removing VOCs, gaseous pollutants, and other emissions and odors in industrial, municipal, and commercial applications. When compared to alternative odor control methods, our activated carbon solutions offer a reduced environmental imprint .